Thursday, January 19, 2006

Good evening!
I am a very movie lover and I have been thinking that I will have a good chance to give some of my views on movies that I have watched and today I can really get my heart 's desires. Here is one of my most favourite Chinese romantic television movies that I am going to write about:


The setting of the movie is set in both modern and ancient Beijing city of China in the first years of the 21st century. The movie mainly revolves 6 main characters: Zi Hue, Wei Wu, Zi Qiang, La Man, Dou Dou and Le Le. Among them, Zi Hue and Zi Qiang come from the same family and Zi Hue is Zi Qiang 's sister. Next, Wei Wu has been Zi Qiang 's closest friend since the college time while La Man, a successful businessman's daughter, is going with Zi Qiang. And finally, it is the two children: Dou Dou and Le Le. Dou Dou is the son of a close friend of Wei Wu, whose father is behind bars while Le Le is an illegitimate son of Zi Hue's husband.

The movie starts with the scene in which Zi Hue is living happily with her newly-wed husband, a famous lawyer, whose name is Shan Guang in their new apartment. Not soon later, Zi Hue receives bad news that her husband is killed by one of his clients in a lawsuit that he takes charge of. Not having had enough time to keep calm and got through her loss of the affectionate husband and torments as well, Zi Hue is told by the police that she is in danger becaue they haven't been able to seize the suspect who might be involved in her husband's . Worrying about Zi Hue 's safety, Zi Qiang asks Wei Wu to protect his sister as a bodyguard. During the time being close to Zi Hue, Wei Wu gradually notices an extremely deep love towards her husband always exist inside Zi Hue 's heart. That she has such a plain love gets Wei Wu to fall in love with her and he himself doesn't know since when he has got love towards her....(to be continued).